CareerSiteBuilder is a distinguished recruiting management platform and sticks close to its principle of providing an end-to-end solution. Our bespoke CRM software provides you with unmatched control over your relationship with both customers and business elements.

The design and seamless integration ensures that you have all the information you need at your fingertips at any given time on CareerSiteBuilder. Easy grouping and categorization further improves the CRM’s efficiency, keeping you ahead of competitors.

With CareerSiteBuilder CRM you can...

  • Easily manageable and organizable client and contact management
  • Identify jobs client-wise and submit active candidates with real-time tracking
  • Easily and quickly import contact lists from your phone and database records
  • Swift and integrated email communication with both clients and staff
  • Generate analytics and reports on placement success rates per client to produce projections of earnings
  • Use client specific reporting tools to keep your high quality of service

Single Package Customer & Candidate Relationship Management...

The single package CRM solution keeps all your relationship management tools and records in one place. This makes it easier to conduct tasks with both clients and candidates on a single platform, thus reducing clutter and improving efficiency. Good connectivity with clients leads to greater profitability of your business and keeps your customers up-to-date and satisfied with your business.

Start With Zenats Crm

Here's What You Get With CareerSiteBuilder CRM...

Contacts Integration

All of your website contacts are directly integrated with the CRM platform automatically without hassle. Incoming clients, newly registered candidates and website inquiries are instantly added as contacts in your CRM. Contacts are organized according to their groups and functions so you can easily find information on any required contact instantly while conducting CRM tasks.

Contact Management

Good contact management is essential to maintain productive customer relationships. Our contact management tools make it possible for you to manage your office and client contacts to maintain quick communications. With the best contact management, your CRM performance will remain on its toes at all times.

Communication Tracking & Records

All communications carried out through the CRM platform are recorded and stored for quick and easy access. This allows you to access previous communications to help with CRM tasks and keep track of conversations with your users and clients. The layered structure of the records organizes them according to groups to make access quick and convenient.

Email to any contact or group

Email tools make for a quick way to communicate with people related to your business. Instantly email memos, notices and reports to your business staff with just a few clicks. Email tools also makes it convenient to send newsletters and advertisements to both clients and users quickly.

Seamless integration with ATS

CareerSiteBuilder makes it extremely easy to post jobs to your clients and then you can easily analyze and evaluate the productivity of your business and the performance of each client toward your business using various reporting and analytics tools.

Microsoft Outlook Integration

CareerSiteBuilder's Microsoft Outlook plug-in makes it easy for you to add contacts to your CRM directly from within the Microsoft Outlook program. In just a single click, you can save all incoming and outgoing emails coming from a client to your CareerSiteBuilder CRM, keeping them in reach whenever you need them.

Take a look inside CareerSiteBuilder

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